Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Set your goals

Recently, Mrs. Brooke made a post regarding the onset of a new month/season and the opportunity to make (and achieve) personal challenges.

Then, during a visit from the brother-and-sister-in-law, Stacey and I discussed our impending birthdays and goals we want to reach during our 26th year.

With the better part of my twenties behind me, and another year closer to 30 descending, it has me thinking about personal goals and challenges I want to reach before I meet that mark.

Of course there are the "travel more, buy a house, get a golden retriever, have a successful career, have nine babies" goals; but for me, right now, that'd be a cart/horse situation.

I've always been a last-minute decision-maker, fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants, "the best laid plans of mice and men..." kind of person. Obviously, planning ahead and setting goals has never been my forte.

In fact, to some, the way I operate is a tad irritating and unreliable.

Usually it's easy to shrug and "shake them haters off," but there comes a point when you realize your habits have become poisonous to relationships and yourself.

It was easy to believe that moving would resolve whatever issues haunted me then, but it only gave them time to sink in further. They followed me down an unlit alley, roughed me up, and left me with some bruises.

Although I escaped with only minor injuries, and a better understanding of self, I never again want to confess to running from something just because I was scared.

I'm learning that I want to constantly live outside of my comfort zone while maintaining and nurturing relationships. Because, as as important as "me" time is, sometimes talking with a human is more important than ranting on your blog. And when I say "your," I mean "my."

I want to look at my 26th year as one of recovery from a not-so-perfect 25th.

Recovery of communication; including the rebirth of the letter/phone conversation and dissolving a feeling of detachment.

Recovery of relationships.

Recovery of self and rediscovering purpose.

Although I'll learn from my past mistakes, I'm no longer living there.

Cheers to the present.

I'd like to note that, usually, I type out these sort of "heavy" posts and eventually end up deleting them because I feel they stray from my light-hearted trend. As a step in the right direction, welcome to my uncomfort zone.

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

1 comment:

Brooke said...

LOVE it. I'm all for the uncomfort zone every now and then!