Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Cupid I shall play

My Valentimes day gift from Chris finally came in on Saturday.

Meet Mr. Owlie Jar

The cutest little cookie holder you ever did see.

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

Monday, February 7, 2011

Arts and Creme

How 'bout those Redskins, huh? They really pulled it off against the Lions last night.

My apologies, the tube was set to ABCFam and I was too busy making creme brûlée and Valentines garland (see below) to be bothered by any other nonsense. That didn't stop my eyes from being massacred by #superbowl tweets on my timeline every time I checked, but at least I didn't have to watch the game to get an update.

I know, my tone is sarcastic and cynical, but I just cannot find an ounce of care in my body. I know the citizens of Louisiana were singing a different tune this time last year, and a "two-dat" would've been nice, but alas!

I was supposed to be traveling back to New Orleans from Shreveport yesterday, but wintry weather foiled my weekend trip altogether. I'm sorry, Megan, your bridal shower will go on!

Despite being miffed at Mother Nature for her behavior, I was able to get a few things accomplished, including those few (eight) movies I'd been meaning to watch.

Saturday's sloth led to Sunday's labor, and here are those fruits:

I've had a set of ramekins and brûlée torch since our wedding, but this was my first try. It was chocolate. And sent straight from the heavens.

My weak attempt at "garland." Its elementary-era cut-out hearts with Tacky glue and glitter. And that "M" may or may not be an upside down "W." It was all Michael's had left!

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Do you ever have those moments of clarity where you think, life is good, everything is going to be fine, and I have so much time to figure it out? Those thoughts usually filter through while I'm listening to a song, or most recently, after watching a movie.

In those moments, everything is perfect.

For instance, last night I was watching Julie & Julia and this sense of "there is not a damn thing I can't do" came over me. It could have been the recurring Paris+food+romance connection that felt relatable because that IS MY heavenly trifecta.*
More so, I felt kin to the "Julie" story (pre-book deal) because, just maybe, I'm in that same position?
You know, (or maybe you don't) that place somewhere between apathy and world domination where you search for validity and rationalize every move you've made to justify where you are at this exact moment.
I don't say that because of low self-worth or because I'm sad. I'm neither. I just need a challenge.

I was talking with Chris the other day and mentioned feeling a little defeated because of something at work that upset me. After watching the movie, it now seems a little reminiscent of (one of) Julie's dinner-mishap meltdowns.

I whined like a baby and complained that I'm not good enough to be anything, or do anything. That he's a musician and that is his identity. And while he's wonderful, he still strives to be better. What have I ever done? Nothing.

Not true. But we're all allowed one (or two or three or four...) brief moment of insanity to feel that way. Only then can we discover our strengths! Or discover how crazy we really are.

I feel I have derailed. Not from my sanity, but from the reason for the post. Actually, either are probably true. This could go on for hours.

Paraphrase: Julie, happy at home, yet professionally unsatisfied and perhaps, emotionally unfulfilled, challenged herself with Julia's recipes which were created in a Parisian kitchen, where she (Julia) lived and loved her husband.

I'm a Julie who wants to live in a Julia world.

This makes sense to me.

*I'm sorry I have such an incurable love for a place that probably won't ever love me back, but I will never quit Paris.
I also love food and my husband, so to have all three at the same time may cause slight hysteria.

- Posted from my awesome iPhone