Monday, February 7, 2011

Arts and Creme

How 'bout those Redskins, huh? They really pulled it off against the Lions last night.

My apologies, the tube was set to ABCFam and I was too busy making creme brûlée and Valentines garland (see below) to be bothered by any other nonsense. That didn't stop my eyes from being massacred by #superbowl tweets on my timeline every time I checked, but at least I didn't have to watch the game to get an update.

I know, my tone is sarcastic and cynical, but I just cannot find an ounce of care in my body. I know the citizens of Louisiana were singing a different tune this time last year, and a "two-dat" would've been nice, but alas!

I was supposed to be traveling back to New Orleans from Shreveport yesterday, but wintry weather foiled my weekend trip altogether. I'm sorry, Megan, your bridal shower will go on!

Despite being miffed at Mother Nature for her behavior, I was able to get a few things accomplished, including those few (eight) movies I'd been meaning to watch.

Saturday's sloth led to Sunday's labor, and here are those fruits:

I've had a set of ramekins and brûlée torch since our wedding, but this was my first try. It was chocolate. And sent straight from the heavens.

My weak attempt at "garland." Its elementary-era cut-out hearts with Tacky glue and glitter. And that "M" may or may not be an upside down "W." It was all Michael's had left!

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

1 comment:

Meredith Brooks said...

I don't think the Lions have been to the Super Bowl since that one episode of "Home Improvement".