Thursday, September 23, 2010

Only in dreams

If you knew me and René ten years ago, you'd know that this is a dream come true:

Weezer announces Blue Album/Pinkerton tour

Some people like to pretend Weezer ceased to exist after Pinkerton, but not us. It's hard to deny something that defined who you were through the better part of your middle-high school career. I mean, El Scorcho was the anthem of our Sunday afternoon drives. We ironed on well-known Weezer slogans (that only die-hards would recognize) to brand new craft store t-shirts.

Who were we?!

I think it's safe to say we would do the same thing now if this tour came anywhere within a 900-mile radius.

"oh the redhead said you shred the cello, and I'm jello, baby."

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

Location:St Charles Ave,New Orleans,United States


michelle.y.palmer said...

Oh my goodness. "El Scorcho" is my college roommate's favorite song of all time, and "My Name is Jonas" is mine.

Unknown said...

Please Lord let them come closer than California!!!