Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I'm not, but the way I talk about baby names, you would think I was. I'm really not sure where this little quirk came from, but I think it's starting to concern a few people.
I can be a strange bird sometimes, but this habit might be a little too odd. It's like girls who plan their weddings before they're engaged. I'm putting the cart before the horse here, folks.

Before it was ruined in the flood, I had a journal where I kept my random thoughts, notes, and a list of baby names; boy and girl, first and middle initial.
I can't help it!

I dream about being pregnant all the time. On top of knowing a few lovely ladies with sweet little buns in the oven, I have a hunch this quirk also stems from a desire to be a nurturing mother and to raise a family

Chris and I get married in a month. After that, you can start a countdown for a little Daffodil Rose or Paxton James.

"this love branches out like an oak tree, reach for the sky and roots to the sea."


Brooke said...

Ok, the title freaked me out just a little...

Katie said...

God bless the babies that sleep in you.

Glad you're updating in my absence.

elizabeth said...

My Daisy and your Daffodil can be BFF's!