Friday, June 27, 2008

2 Things

1. I'm not really sure what the big deal is with my wedding dress, but it's causing some kind of stir with my friends and family:

that isn't us, but you get the idea.

2. I don't usually go into the the Wild Bird Center, but was tempted today after lunch to kill time before going back to work.
It was there that I met, and fell in love with, Skipper the cockatiel.

you wouldn't think a bird could be so affectionate, but Skipper touched my heart and my soul like no one else.

I want I want I want!


DescartesJC said...

I like you...isn't good to say it just not thinking about it twice? We should be able to express ourselves like that, every day, without any prejudice, however...I just click on "next blog" and I found yours...have anybody approach you and said "you are beautiful" just like that? man, that would be great...just take care angel face.


DescartesJC said...

I like you...isn't good to say it just not thinking about it twice? We should be able to express ourselves like that, every day, without any prejudice, however...I just click on "next blog" and I found yours...have anybody approach you and said "you are beautiful" just like that? man, that would be great...just take care angel face.