Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On the first...

I'm not sure what it means to wake up enormously late for work, have your cat pee on the Christmas tree skirt, and say goodbye to your husband for three weeks on the first day of December, but surely it isn't a sign of what's to come for the remaining 30 days.

Let's not forget I fudged (charred) last night's crock pot meal, which was meant to be Chris' "going away/birthday dinner," but my bang-up job on eggnog pudding cake was the silver-lining and saved me from a whiny 'I'm a terrible cook' rampage.

FYI: Adding two hours to the suggested cook time is unnecessary and will force you to mosey on over to that neighborhood burger joint you've been meaning to try.

But alas, these instances are trivial and having cozy Christmas tunes in my ear make me realize just that.

I mean, who in here HASN'T completely ruined dinner or yelled "$#!T" as they ran out the door with dirty hair and unbuttoned pants?

And although he won't be here to put the final trimmings on the tree, or help me wrap gifts, Chris will be home for Christmas. There are those that will have to be without their other during the holidays and, as my niece says, that makes my feelings sad.


Christmastime makes my feelings happy. It's not so much the actual day, but the anticipation of it all. The baking, decorating, the coffees flavored with holiday goodness. It's the Home Alone, Home Alone 2 (Lost in New York), Elf, and White Christmas. It's being nestled between your mum and dad on a pew, holding a candle, singing an instrument-less Silent Night.


While many of those reasons may be superficial when relating to the beautiful point and reason for Christmas, dear friends and family, my fondest memories won't be of the gifts I gave or received, but my time spent with you.

I sound cliché.

But that's okay, you'll forgive me because it's the most wonderful time of the year. In order to have a holly jolly Christmas, it isn't necessary to deck the halls, but to wish peace on the earth and goodwill to men. Without that, you'll be scrooged.

Owlie Santa says Hoo, Hoo, Hoo

- Posted from my awesome iPhone

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