Thursday, June 19, 2008

Forever Young

if you know me, you know two things:

1. I love Asians
2. I love old people.

this deals with the latter.

pretty please go see the documentary: Young at Heart. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wish you will grow old with all of your teeth.

I. love. this. movie.

and another documentary gem: King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

if you live in Shreveport, it would be to your benefit to visit the Robinson Film Center.

it's badass.

1 comment:

no we are not swans said...

I saw it with my friend Allison, she cried basically the whole movie, I kept my composure until the Fix You part, and then I was pretty gone for the rest of the movie
i wish i knew you were seeing it!! i wanted to go see it again but i didnt know anyone who wanted to... ohhh well, when that sucker comes out on dvd, Joe will live on through my television screen