Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Somewhere in a previous post I know I've mentioned my fear of revealing any detailed future plans in the very realistic chance that I am unable to follow through.

Not being able to reach whatever personal goal or task I've set for myself is a let down. What's worse is letting others in on my agenda and having nothing to show for it.
I don't want anyone to form expectations only to be disappointed, or not be surprised, when I don't follow through.

So I say nothing.

For whatever reason, I feel differently today, and want to share this nugget with you:

I am in the process of writing a children's book.

Please, hold your applause and/or judgement. I don't proclaim this for any other reason than to notify you that this blog may, at times, serve as a vessel for my book-writing-chronicles. And because MAYBE JUST MAYBE William Joyce will happen upon my blog and offer his advice, because something tells me this will be an arduous process with plot twists and roadblocks. I've already hit a few.

Artistically, mentally, authorly.

In an effort to retain a bit of mystery (and keep you intrigued), I shan't divulge any details surrounding the concept or character(s). Although, thanks to my talented and helpful husband, the main character is developing into quite the adorable.

BTDUB, is illustrating your character prior to writing a manuscript the WRONG way to write a book?


- Emily McP


Meredith Brooks said...

That is great! I think you will make a great children's book author. I have wanted to write a children's book for awhile - "Dachshund Tails and Possum Trails" - the story of an unlikely friendship between a dachshund and possum. I'm trying to convince Justin Delatte to illustrate it.

Jennifer Bucello said...

Fantastic! You're very clever. I'm sure your book(s) will be a hit! Promise me signed copies, though. :)