Sunday, January 31, 2010

25 and 1/2

A few random thoughts to get you through the day:

If my life had a soundtrack, it would be Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain by Yann Tiersen.

Having a pink Vespa is high on my list of priorities.

Peanut Butter Puffins is the best cereal to eat dry.

What am I doing with my life?

I need to work out.

Why did I dream about vampires last night?

I love French people.

My owl collection is a smidge unhealthy, but I'll never stop.

Chicago in the Spring?

Words cannot express how happy I am to see January 2010 come to a close. My car got hit, my job sucked, I got shingles, and my dad had a heart attack. Obviously, I'm ready for February. Things can only get better though, right?
I'm sure right now Rev Run would remind me that at least I am alive. And he is right. I love his tweets.

I have decided February is my month to start over, my month for resolutions.

But first, I'm going to have some Swedish Fish.

"Life is for livin', we all know, and I don't want to live it alone."

1 comment:

Jordo said...

i love you, i love you, i love you.