Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rambling (wo)man

Thoughts in the last minute:

Coffee coffee everywhere, and not a drop to DRINK!

That girl has really cute hair.

Must pack. Don't forget to feed and water the kitties. And gas, don't forget gas.

I could eat a plate of hummus.

Oatmeal cookies.


I could eat.

Suntan lotion, green water, white sand. Coconuts. Lots of coconuts.

I miss Chris.

I miss home.

I miss.

My tooth hurts.

- Emily McP

Friday, April 15, 2011

Impending infamous-ness

My father-in-law (Mr. Don) just emailed me to say that the 4th and 5th names for hurricanes this year are Don and Emily.

Batten down the hatches and seek shelter, y'all.

It seems that Louisiana has been hit with two hurricanes in a row, every three years.

In 2008, it was Gustav and Ike; Katrina and Rita in 2005.

This is merely a plea to not place blame or associate our names with disaster if it were to strike; because while we hope it doesn't, we'd like to be infamous for other reasons. Like, roping 38 cattle at once, or paragliding from the Cliffs of Dover.

- Emily McP

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Somewhere in a previous post I know I've mentioned my fear of revealing any detailed future plans in the very realistic chance that I am unable to follow through.

Not being able to reach whatever personal goal or task I've set for myself is a let down. What's worse is letting others in on my agenda and having nothing to show for it.
I don't want anyone to form expectations only to be disappointed, or not be surprised, when I don't follow through.

So I say nothing.

For whatever reason, I feel differently today, and want to share this nugget with you:

I am in the process of writing a children's book.

Please, hold your applause and/or judgement. I don't proclaim this for any other reason than to notify you that this blog may, at times, serve as a vessel for my book-writing-chronicles. And because MAYBE JUST MAYBE William Joyce will happen upon my blog and offer his advice, because something tells me this will be an arduous process with plot twists and roadblocks. I've already hit a few.

Artistically, mentally, authorly.

In an effort to retain a bit of mystery (and keep you intrigued), I shan't divulge any details surrounding the concept or character(s). Although, thanks to my talented and helpful husband, the main character is developing into quite the adorable.

BTDUB, is illustrating your character prior to writing a manuscript the WRONG way to write a book?


- Emily McP

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mad about madras.

Went to the beauty parlor after work for the sole purpose of getting my hair colored. Ended up getting it trimmed as well.

Then while my hair was baking, decided to get my nails did.

Aaand why not get my eyebrows waxed while I'm at it?

Accidental Me day. My bad.

- Emily McP

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Saving our dollars and cents and putting money where my mowlth is.

Vacation 201? here we come!

- Emily McP

Monday, April 4, 2011

Lights out

The wicked witch of the South brewed a nasty storm which seems to be hovered ever so eerily over our apartment complex. And has been for well over an hour.

Storms are cozy and all, but being a third floor resident has a downside when you're nervously surveying that awfully low-hanging tree and the safest place to duck and cover is the garden tub-with two cats and a husband.

Never mind that the electricity is out. The meat is spoiling, the ice cream is melting, and the Sparkletini is sweating.

While putting up dishes by candlelight, I asked Chris if this is what they did in the "olden days."

He assured me that the pioneers did, in fact, warm themselves by the glow of candles and their MacBooks.

Time to eat the contents of the icebox before it all goes to waste.

- Emily McP